[/column-third-1] [column-third-2-3]Anxiety and panic coaching call with Kelli Walker
Join Kelli and I as we provide some steps to overcome or even squash anxiety and panic in their tracks. Kelli is all about long-term solutions and I tackle it head on. It was a great conversation and the participants loved how we approached the topic from different perspectives. Kelli’s website is panicandanxietycoach.com [/column-third-2-3]
[/column-third-1] [column-third-2-3]Self-Confidence, Authenticity, and Values with Mike Sutton
Mike Sutton, Growth Strategy and Self-Confidence Coach joins us to talk ways to build our self-confidence, show up authentically in the world, and wrap it all up with a visit to our values. Mike’s website is bebuildhave.com[/column-third-2-3]
[/column-third-1] [column-third-2-3]Overcoming Fear with Meditation Coach Mary Meckley
Meditation coach Mary Meckley joins us to talk about meditation in a practical way where we can become more present and aware to decrease anxiety and fear. Mary’s website is sipandom.com [/column-third-2-3]
[/column-third-1] [column-third-2-3]Stop Self-Sabotage Mini-Class with Paul Colaianni
Join me in this in-depth training on aligning with your values so that you don’t sabotage your path to success in any area of life. Use with the Stop Self-Sabotage! workbook if you’d like, or watch and pause this video as you go, discovering the tools you need to stay on the right track in life. [/column-third-2-3]
[/column-third-1] [column-third-2-3]Narcissistic and Emotional Abuse with Kim Saeed
This is a great discussion and learning session with Kim Saeed of letmereach.com. If you’ve ever experienced any type of manipulation in your life, watch this episode. Emotional abuse is very prevalent and happens more often than you might think. Arm yourself with knowledge and learn what you can so that you can avoid people like this. Yes, sometimes you just have to avoid them altogether. [/column-third-2-3]
[/column-third-1] [column-third-2-3]Honoring Your Personal Boundaries with Paul Colaianni
If you have any trouble at all honoring yourself and making clear what your boundaries are to other people, this is the coaching session for you. [/column-third-2-3]
[/column-third-1] [column-third-2-3]Effective Communication Skills Part 1
Time for some training on the communication skills that I use on an almost daily basis. This isn’t your typical “be like the other person” training you can pick up anywhere, it’s more of a philosophy on what to assume about people and the world so that you can connect with anyone at a deeper level. This is part 1 of 2.[/column-third-2-3]
[/column-third-1] [column-third-2-3]Effective Communication Skills Part 2
This is part 2 of Effective Communication Skills. If you didn’t get a chance to watch part 1, don’t worry, I go over the first 10 for a refresher. [/column-third-2-3]